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🏰 引擎部落停运公告


经过一番考虑,我决定停止维护 SMM:WE 目前的在线系统「引擎部落」。

我虽然给 SMMWE 3.1.1、3.2.x 和 3.3.0 带来了新的开源在线服务器、多语言支持、多 IM 的注册机器人和 Linux 兼容,但这一切都是徒劳无功的。「引擎部落」没有交互式的注册机器人,需要复制粘贴又臭又长的注册码。它确实不如 DangerousZone 的引擎王国机器人那么方便好用。


在 1 月 27 日之前,「引擎部落」确实存在着一些问题,导致其运行极其缓慢。我为那时大家糟糕的游戏体验道歉。
虽然目前的「引擎部落」版本已经到达了 DangerousZone 的机器人的流畅度,但它的注册体验仍然糟糕无比。我向所有被注册码烦到的玩家道歉。
停止维护「引擎部落」意味着抛弃 QQ 和 Telegram 上的、无法访问 Discord 的玩家,意味着停止多语言支持,意味着停止中文关卡名支持,意味着停止 Linux 支持。对于这次停运,我向所有需要这些支持的玩家道歉。


当 DangerousZone 回归时,「引擎部落」将停止维护和停止服务,我也将退出引擎王国团队。



After some consideration, I have decided to stop maintaining the current online system, Engine Tribe.

I brought the new online system, multi-language support, multi-IM bot support, and Linux support for SMM:WE 3.1.1, 3.2.x, and 3.3.x, but all to no avail. It has no interactive registration and requires copying and pasting lengthy registration codes. It’s really not as convenient as DangerousZone’s Engine-bot.

Sorry everyone, I did something wrong.

In fact, there were some issues with the Engine Tribe system prior to January 27 that caused it to run extremely slow. Now I apologize for the bad gaming experience at that time.
Even though Engine Tribe has reached Engine-bot fluency after this optimization, their registration experience is still a mess. Now I apologize for everyone’s bad registration experience.
Stopping Engine Tribe maintenance means removing players on QQ and Telegram who don’t have access to Discord, removing SMM:WE localization and multilingual level name support, and removing Linux support. My apologies now to the players who needed this.

I hope everyone can forgive me.

When DangerousZone returns, I will leave the staff, and Engine Tribe will be down and stop maintenance forever.

Good night, Engine Tribe.